Information for Presenters

Information for Presenters

Oral presentations

All lecture rooms are equipped with Windows 10 notebooks for MS PowerPoint or PDF presentations. If you prepare a PowerPoint presentation, please make sure that it is compatible with PowerPoint 2019 for Windows. Furthermore, we recommend using standard fonts for preparing the presentations to minimize the risk of distorted layout.  Please refrain from bringing your own laptop, in order to save time and avoid compatibility problems. If you need any additional equipment, please let us know in advance by contacting

Please make sure to transfer your presentation files to the respective computer in the lecture room at least 20 minutes before the start of your session, using a USB memory stick. Preferably, you should do this in the morning or in the break before the session. Ask the technical assistants in the lecture rooms for help. They will be present 30 minutes before each session and during the session. 


The official conference language is English, but some presentations will be also given in German. To avoid possible confusion, the actual language of oral presentations must be consistent with the language of the abstract that was accepted for presentation.


Since the number of talks per session depends on session type, there are different rules.

Timing in talk sessions: Each talk (including discussion and speaker change) is allocated a time slot of 18 minutes. We recommend that presentations last 15 minutes followed by one or two questions. Session chairs are asked to strictly keep to the schedule of the sessions.

Timing in symposia: Each symposium lasts 90 minutes, and chairs are responsible for allocating speaker times. Speakers are asked to strictly adhere to their allocated time slots. Depending on the number of talks (four to six), we recommend that each talk (including discussion and speaker change) should be allocated a time slot of about 15 to 20 minutes. In some cases, it might be possible to postpone the discussion until the end of the session.

Timing in the Pre-Data session: During the pre-data session, there are 6 presentation slots of 15 minutes (including discussion and speaker change). In this session format, especially, presenters are encouraged to prepare short presentations in order to have more room for discussion.

Poster presentations

Poster presenters are asked to prepare their posters in DIN A0 portrait format (900 mm x 1200 mm maximum). There will be three poster sessions, one on each day of the conference. The sessions take place on the ground floor and 1st floor of the central lecture hall complex (Ernst-Abbe-Platz). Each poster is assigned a number, which can be found in the program. Each poster number starts with a letter indicating whether it is scheduled for Monday (M), Tuesday (T) or Wednesday (W). The first number then indicates whether it can be found on the ground floor (0) or first floor (1). The second number indicates the individual poster board (1-50). Please put your posters up in the morning, to give interested colleagues the opportunity to view them all day. Pins are available on each poster wall, or can be requested from technical assistants present. During the actual poster sessions, the first author is expected to be available for requests and discussions. We also recommend preparation of handouts (miniature versions of the poster) for interested colleagues.

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