Information for Session Chairs

Information for Session Chairs

Thank you very much for chairing one of the talk sessions or symposia. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of your session. Inform your speakers that you are chairing the session and about the method you will use to notify them when they are nearing their time limit and how you will interrupt them at the end of their allotted time. Please note that the timing of each talk varies depending on the session type (see below). Please feel free to use the number displays on the last pages of this program to inform the speaker about the remaining time. You should guide the (short) discussion and ask for questions and annotations. Keep an eye on the time in order to meet the schedule. Please start the session on time. For each presentation, announce the speakers (and co-authors) and the title of their presentation. If any problems arise that you are unable to handle while continuing to chair the session, please contact the technical assistants of your lecture room.


Timing in talk sessions: Each talk (including discussion and speaker change) is allocated a time slot of 18 minutes. We recommend that presentations last 15 minutes followed by one or two questions. Session chairs are asked to strictly keep to the schedule of the sessions.

Timing in symposia: Each symposium lasts 90 minutes, and chairs are responsible for allocating speaker times. Speakers are asked to strictly adhere to their allocated time slots. Depending on the number of talks (four to six), we recommend that each talk (including discussion and speaker change) should be allocated a time slot of about 15 to 20 minutes. In some cases, it might be possible to postpone the discussion until the end of the session.

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