Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

General Information on Submissions

The TeaP is a conference of experimental psychologists. We thus invite submissions of experimental research from all fields of psychology (e.g., cognitive, social, developmental, clinical, biological, emotional/motivational psychology), as well as submissions of relevant methodological developments. Note that submissions that do not fit with the experimental focus of the conference might not be accepted.

All presenters must register and pay the registration fee.  

If you have any questions concerning your submission, please contact teap2020@uni-jena.de.

Submission Types


A symposium lasts 90 minutes and involves thematically related talks of different (groups of) authors. While we recommend five talks per symposium, the number of talks may vary between four and six. One of the talks may be a discussion combining and expanding on the other talks. The author submitting the symposium will be the symposium chair and is in charge of its internal organization. Submitting a symposium involves two steps: As a first step, the symposium itself is submitted. This requires a brief summary of the overall topic as well as of the associated individual talks. Additionally, for each associated talk, a title and (at least) the first author must be specified. In total, the description of the symposium (i.e., the summary and the list of talks) must not exceed 350 words. As a second step, after being notified that the symposium was accepted, each of the pre-specified talks have to be submitted as a talk (again with an abstract, see below). While doing so, please make sure that the talk is assigned to the correct symposium. To do so, simply choose the symposium title from the drop-down menu.


In talks, authors present empirical research, methodological advances, or novel theoretical work on a particular topic. Each talks lasts between 15 and 20 minutes (depending on the number of submissions, including discussion). In order to submit a talk, a title, the full list of authors and an abstract summarizing its content (150 to 250 words) is required. If your talk is part of a symposium, please state so and please choose the respective symposium title from the drop-down menu. Talks that are not associated with a particular symposium will be grouped based on thematic similarity by the organizing committee of the TeaP. For that purpose, you will be asked to specify at least one keyword when submitting a talk. Please also indicate whether or not you would be willing to serve as a session chair. The number of talks is limited. If the number of submissions exceeds the overall capacity, talk submissions might be transformed into a poster.


On posters, authors present empirical research or methodological work (DIN A0 format, i.e., 841mm x 1189mm). Each poster will be displayed in one of several poster sessions scheduled in the program. Authors are asked to remain with their poster for discussions throughout the whole poster session. In order to submit a poster, a title, the full list of authors and an abstract summarizing its content (150 to 250 words) is required.

Pre-Data Format

The aim of the pre-data format is to give researchers the possibility to present and discuss research ideas before they start data collection. Each pre-data talk lasts 15 minutes (including discussion). Although this format is open to everyone, we especially want to invite submissions from first-year PhD students in order to get early feedback on their project. The pre-data session will be scheduled in a prominent position in the program, and members of the TeaP organizing committee will attend. Note that we cannot accept more than six submissions for this format, and that acceptance will follow a "first come, first serve" logic. Note further that submissions for the pre-data format are only possible within a very short time period (February 1 to February 10, 2020). In order to submit a pre-data talk, a title, the full list of authors and an abstract summarizing its content (150 to 250 words) is required.

Pre-data submission closed on February 6. With six talks, the session is already complete.

Submission Deadlines

Submission Opens

Submission Deadline


August 1, 2019

September 30, 2019


October 20, 2019

November 30, 2019


October 20, 2019

November 30, 2019

Pre-Data Format

February 1, 2020

February 10, 2020 (already closed)


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